Urban Niko
Urban Niko is a 4-day adventure that will take you out of your comfort zone and will challenge you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in a way that will strengthen your relationship with God and others.
What is it?
Niko - A Greek word meaning to conquer, to overcome, to get the victory.
Niko is a KKI (King’s Kids International) ministry run in many nations worldwide as part of the YWAM family of ministries.
God’s heart for Hong Kong
The main objective of Urban Niko is to (re)discover our city in a new way: how it functions, its good and not-so-good parts, and how it affects us, as well as to receive God's heart for it and hopefully understand our part to play in bringing positive change to our city.
Discover More About:
In order to receive God’s heart for cities, we need to surrender our own understanding, our fears and reservations about cities, and our fear of men.
God’s Heart
We will learn why and how God’s heart beats for cities and how important it is that our hearts beat with the same passion.
Life is not fair and there is so much injustice in the world. Why? Is God fair? Is He just? How can we be instruments of His justice?
There’s a strong relationship between the way we look at others and how we deal with the way others look at us.
Important Information
Per person: $1500 HKD. Includes food, lodging, and transportation for the whole 4-day camp + Niko souvenir.
Available on demand for groups (5 people minimum).
Typically, 4 days over a weekend (Friday night to Monday afternoon).
Undisclosed. Part of the training is to learn to lose control over the circumstances and learn to rely more on God and others, which we believe you’ll learn by not knowing where you’re going and what you’ll be doing.
Camp Structure
Teams of 5-8 participants + 2 staff per team + 1 logistics staff. All staff are experienced and qualified.