Wilderness Niko
(AKA Niko 1) Wilderness leadership training program for teenagers, young and adults, designed to lead them into a greater understanding of laying down rights, serving, teamwork and decision making. We focus on God’s grace that enables us to overcome every challenge.
What is it?
Niko - A Greek word meaning to conquer, to overcome, to get the victory.
Niko is a KKI (King’s Kids International) ministry run in many nations worldwide as part of the YWAM family of ministries.
Learning in the Great Outdoors
Niko is a five-day wilderness leadership training program where you step out and discover more about who God has made you to be. Your learning environment will be the great outdoors, the "classroom of life". You will learn skills vital to working as a team, being a leader, and pushing yourself beyond the limits you thought you could never overcome.
We have seen major changes in participants as they learn to surrender their individual rights and become interdependent on each other as they grow in their dependence on Jesus our Rock. Come with us as we discover God in new ways!
Discover More About:
Laying down your will for God's will. Giving yourself up into the power of another. By submitting and surrendering to God you will grow and bear fruit.
Everything we do or choose not to do affects somebody else. "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." - Philippians 2:4
Servanthood is the outward expression of inward surrender. Having the right attitude in our service is a means of receiving grace. God gives us the grace to serve.
Important Information
Per person: $1,500 HKD, which includes food and lodging for the whole 5-day camp + NIKO souvenir.
Available in HK on demand for groups (of minimum 5 people) from September to May.
Typically, 5 days over a weekend and/or public holiday (starts early afternoon on 1st day and finishes early afternoon on 5th day).
Undisclosed. Part of the training is to learn to lose control over the circumstances and learn to rely more on God and others, which we believe you’ll learn by not knowing where you’re going and what you’ll be doing.
Camp Structure
Teams of 5-6 participants + 2 staff per team + 2 Camp Parents (logistics). All staff are experienced and qualified.