Is Jesus Worth It?
Everything I need is found in Jesus.
As Christians, we often make statements such as, “Jesus is my everything” or, “I don’t need anything or anyone but Jesus”. The question is, as Christians, do we really believe these words? Do we truly feel that in comparison to Christ everything else is garbage; that nothing else can bring us the satisfaction Jesus can? In our lives, we're often faced with circumstances that cause us to question what we consider most valuable. When that happens, what will we choose?
In Matthew 19:16-30, we see a wealthy man seeking answers to pressing questions about his life. He approaches Jesus and asks Him what he needs to do to receive eternal life. As their conversation progresses, Jesus realizes what’s most important to the rich young man. He lovingly looks him in the eyes and asks him to sell everything he has and give the money to the poor. Sell everything? As he was pondering upon Jesus’ weighty words, he looked down with sorrow, because he realized he couldn’t do what Jesus was asking of him.
Why couldn’t he let go?
Jesus gave the young man the chance to let go of what he valued in exchange for something truly important. The reason he couldn’t let go is because he didn’t believe that everything he needed was found in the man right in front of him. He looked at all his possessions and money - the things he considered important - and perceived that those were more valuable than anything else. Instead of embracing the call to cling to Jesus, he believed the lie that Jesus wasn't worth it.
Is He worth it?
Imagine: Jesus is standing in front of you; what would He ask you to let go of? Is He worth it? Is it a job? A relationship? Bad habits or wrong decisions? Your ambitions? Whatever it may be, don’t be scared, but consider it an invitation to take hold of something far better.
Believing the truth of Christ's worth is essential to our faith. Without it, we will never be able to let go of trivial things for the eternal significance of a relationship with Him. Christ is waiting for you to accept His invitation. As you begin to take hold of Him, he’ll reveal more and more of the abundance found in Him. In that abundance, you'll see that Christ truly is all that you ever needed, and those words, "Everything I need is found in Jesus", will start to take on a much more powerful and honest meaning.
“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith”
– Philippians 3:8-9
Our next Bilingual Discipleship Training School is Starting January 2021!
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