Is Everybody Called to Missions?
Yes, I believe that every Christian is called to missions.
That may be a pretty bold statement to start with, but it is one that I believe wholeheartedly. I believe that God desires for each person on this earth to know him and to have an intimate relationship with him. We as Christians have an opportunity to help people find Jesus. To share our stories and testimonies of what Jesus has done in our lives and lead them to experience it for themselves. And I believe that it’s a task not to take lightly.
In the commonly quoted Great Commission taken from Matthew 28, Jesus tells us to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything I [Jesus] have commanded you.” You’ve probably heard the expression, “it takes a village to raise a child”, and the same is true for missions. If missions is a child, it takes everyone (the village) involved and supporting it in some way.
We need people on all sides of missions: to go, pray, love, train, give and send.
“In some way or another, I believe that each Christian is called to participate in the missional call to go and make disciples of all nations.”
TO GO: Leaving their home countries to serve.
I believe some people are asked to leave their home countries and go serve and live in places where people have never heard the name of Jesus.
TO PRAY: Prayer warriors and intercessors.
I believe some people are asked to pray and intercede for missionaries around the world.
TO LOVE: Serve and love people locally.
I believe some people are asked to serve and love people right where they’re at, in their jobs, in their schools, and while buying food at the grocery store or filling up your gas tank.
TO TRAIN: Equip others to go.
I believe some people are asked to train and equip people to go into the nations, teaching them biblical content to further educate and prepare them.
TO GIVE AND SEND: Financially partner with missionaries.
I believe some people are asked to give financially in partnership with God to help sustain missionaries that don’t receive an income and who live by faith for God to provide.
Each Christian is called.
In some way or another, I believe that each Christian is called to participate in the missional call to go and make disciples of all nations.
Jesus is inviting you to be a part of something bigger than yourself.
Where is your place in the call to be in missions?
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