YWAM Harbour City Blog
Is Everybody Called to Missions?
That may be a pretty bold statement to start with, but it is one that I believe wholeheartedly. I believe that God desires for each person on this earth to know him and to have an intimate relationship with him. We as Christians have an opportunity to help people find Jesus.
Hong Kong: The Gateway to Many Nations
As we do missions in Hong Kong, we encounter multi-cultural experiences in our daily lives. Our neighbors, the usual places we go to do groceries, as we visit different churches, whether they are international or local Cantonese-speaking churches, it's incredible how cultures cross each other.
Did my love of travel attract me to the missionary life?
How about the way travel opens up horizons to things that at home would never be accepted or dreamed of? But over there, on the other side, at the destination of your travel, those “weird” things seems less out of place.
What People Haven't Told You About Being a Missionary
I know social media has been telling Christians a lot of things about missionaries. Things like how we struggle with exhaustion and burnout; how difficult it is for us to have…
How do I trust that God won’t mess my future?
God, I want to give my all to you.
But…what about the plans I have for my life? What about my studies, job, ambitions, family, and dreams?